Twitter and Facebook

I know its like comparing apples with oranges but I did a little experiment last night between Facebook and Twitter. I wanted to measure how many people are actually reading my facebook and twitter messages.I updated my Facebook status with the following message. "Please comment or like if you read this I'm doing a little experiment between twitter and facebook :)"

and tweeted the following "Please reply or RT this if you read this I'm doing a little experiment between twitter and facebook :)"

No surprise twitter responses were several minutes faster than facebook, as I got a retweet basically straight away. Its also surprising to see which people reply. Especially on facebook. It shows the social network junkies and the people that don't normally comment or like your updates but have been guilted into responding.

So the results which are alot lower than I thought they would be, turns out my 275 followers and 224 facebook friends aren't as engaged and as useful as I thought.

Total responses are

Facebook: 32 Twitter: 20 LinkedIn: 0

What can you take away from this? Apart from learning that some of my facebook friends are up at werid times. Since I did this at around 12 at night. It needs to be taken with a pinch of salt since there was no real reason to share the message or comment it was just a courtesy thing but still I thought it was interesting. And the whole point of social networks is to share content that you find interesting. Anyway try it with your social networks and see what sort of response you get.