Betts Mag App Launch in the Apple App Store

UPDATE: I'll be submitting an updated 1.1 version this afternoon which really polishes the app so be sure to lookout for that. The iPhone companion app uses String™ Augmented Reality which was really easy to work with, and I'm hoping that I'll be able to develop a few more apps using it. In the Betts Spring 2011 catalog which is currently instores you'll see the Betts Mag App iPhone app is featured. Here you can scan the icons inside the printed mag and unlock extra app features.


Also there are about 8 rich media shoe products where you can see 3 Ways to Wear and touch to spin 360 view spin of the products.




The iPad app allows you to browse the Spring Summer Catalog.


Twitter Virtual yelling

I call twitter virtual yelling it's the easiest way to explain it to anyone who doesn't know what it is. A few months ago I created a twitter account to see what all the fuss is about I know I'm a little late to the game but better late than never right? Yellow pages everyone uses them right? I made a tweet the other day "does anyone actually use the yellowpages books" turns out they do "20m do everyday go to this link if you don't want to receive them" or something to that point

I think that they might be assuming that all the people that have them in their homes are using them. I'm just really not if they're using them for their intended purpose, I'd love to see the percentage of people using them as door stoppers but hey kudos to them for staying digital and keeping the finger on the pulse. Maybe they aren't as out of touch as I thought!

Which data type should you use C#

MSDN BlogI find it kind of interesting that they're telling programmers not to use Byte, sbyte, short, ushort, uint, and ulong seems a bit silly if those data types aren't worth the hassle and you can't figure which one to use maybe you shouldn't be programming?

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Free iPhone 4 Case Closing Soon

Just a reminder that today is the last day that you can get your free case from the iPhone 4 Case program.In case ( haha get it case) you have forgotten it was Apple's solution to the antennagate issue that set the blog-o-sphere on fire.

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The Apple Web App Store: My experience

Just over a month ago I submitted my iPhone wallpapers website to the Apple web app store.You can see it here Phone Wallpapers This has been a difficult process, for the first few days the link was broken and was giving a 404 error so I resubmitted it and after several emails to the support/feedback address it was finally fixed it

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C # Google Sitemap.xml class

I originally wrote C# class because I couldn't find a simple class for dynamically creatingthe sitemap.xml file that google and other search engines like use to crawl your site. It was written some time ago for a previous website called eFood Order. and since then I have used it several times. I think its more relevant if I post it here though.

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